
Crime does pay?

A few weeks ago we were out geocaching, and we came across what looked like a reasonable bike, seemingly dumped on a footpath through a wood. As we walked on out we mithered about why it was there, had someone absconded or eloped and rendezvous with a partner in crime, had it been nicked and […]

More to life

Well they do say there is more to life than Death and Taxes, don’t they! We took the family out for a bonding day at Hereford Leisure pool yesterday, and for little more than a tenner, we were able to spend 90 minutes splish, splashing to our hearts content. Even the little one loved the […]

Another wet Weekend

Well here we all are, stuck indoors due to deluges of downpours and dark grey skys. Well I guess its the same for everyone here in the UK, today, I dont think anywhere has escaped the wet weekend syndrome. At least i can re arrange the site a bit, I must devote the time to […]

Another wet day

So, here we are, Easter over, holidays still got another 10 days, and.. Its Raining! But never mind, grab the GPS, a rain coat and a set of co-ordinates and our kids, well, family actually, are as happy as Larry, How ever happy that is? So between the showers we will try and get even […]